APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2024). Identifying gender in gendered languages: The case of Spanish. In K. A. Knisley & E. L. Russell (Eds.), Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries, Remaking Gender Pluralities (pp. 196-217). Multilingual Matters.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "Identifying Gender in Gendered Languages: The Case of Spanish". Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries, Remaking Gender Pluralities, edited by Kris Aric Knisley and Eric Louis Russell. Multilingual Matters, 2024, pp. 197-217.
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2022). The definitional dilemma of gender in language. Hesperia, 24(2), 11-30.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "The Definitional Dilemma of Gender in Language". Hesperia, vol. 24, no. 2, 2022, pp. 11-30.

APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2022). The work of the Gender in Language Project. Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Summer 2022.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "The Work of the Gender in Language Project". Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Summer 2022.
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2022). A brief history of gender-inclusive Spanish/Una breve historia del español no binario. Deportate, esuli, profughe, 48(1), 31-48.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "A Brief History of Gender-Inclusive Spanish/Una breve historia del español no binario". Deportate, esuli, profughe, vol. 48, no. 1, 2022, pp. 31-48.

APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2022). A brief history of gender-inclusive Spanish/Una breve historia del español no binario. Deportate, esuli, profughe, 48(1), 31-48.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "A Brief History of Gender-Inclusive Spanish/Una breve historia del español no binario". Deportate, esuli, profughe, vol. 48, no. 1, 2022, pp. 31-48.
Morphological Gender Innovations in Spanish of Genderqueer Speakers
B.A. Thesis
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2019). Morphological gender innovations in Spanish of genderqueer speakers [Bachelor's thesis, University of California, Berkeley]. University of California eScholarship.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. Morphological Gender Innovations in Spanish of Genderqueer Speakers. 2019. University of California, Berkeley, Bachelor's thesis. University of California eScholarship.

Innovaciones al género morfológico en el español de hablantes genderqueer
B.A. Thesis
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2019). Innovaciones al género morfológico en el español de hablantes genderqueer [Bachelor's thesis, University of California, Berkeley]. University of California eScholarship.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. Innovaciones al género morfológico en el español de hablantes genderqueer. 2019. University of California, Berkeley, Bachelor's thesis. University of California eScholarship.

Cross-Romance Typologies of Gender Neutrality and Gender Expansiveness (with Jennifer Kaplan)
12th International Gender and Language Association [IGALA] Conference
APA: Kaplan, J. & Papadopoulos, B. (2023, Jul. 4). Cross-Romance typologies of gender neutrality and gender expansiveness [Conference session]. 12th International Gender and Language Association Conference, Held virtually.
MLA: Kaplan, Jennifer, and Ben Papadopoulos. "Cross-Romance Typologies of Gender Neutrality and Gender Expansiveness." 12th International Gender and Language Association Conference, 4 July 2023, Held virtually. Conference Presentation.
Global Spanish and Grammars of Resistance
20th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2022, Jun. 19). Global Spanish and grammars of resistance [Conference session]. 20th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, Held virtually.
MLA: Ben Papadopoulos. "Global Spanish and Grammars of Resistance." 20th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, 19 June 2022, Held virtually. Conference Presentation.

Catalana, Cantaora, or Reggaetonera? Rosalía and the Linguistic Performance of Persona (with Aurora Martinez Kane)
49th Meeting of New Ways of Analyzing Variation
APA: Martinez Kane, A. & Papadopoulos, B. (2021, Oct. 22). Catalana, cantaora, or reggaetonera? Rosalía and the linguistic performance of persona [Conference session]. 49th Meeting of New Ways of Analyzing Variation, Held virtually.
MLA: Martinez Kane, Aurora, and Ben Papadopoulos. "Catalana, Cantaora, or Reggaetonera? Rosalía and the Linguistic Performance of Persona." 49th Meeting of New Ways of Analyzing Variation, 23 October 2021, Held virtually. Conference Presentation.
Queer Speakers and Gendered Language: A New Linguistic Gender Typology
27th Annual Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2021, May 23). Queer speakers and gendered language: A new linguistic gender typology [Conference session]. 27th Annual Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, Held virtually.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "Queer speakers and gendered language: A new linguistic gender typology." 27th Annual Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, 23 May 2021, Held virtually. Conference Presentation.

Refuting Language Academies' Rejections of Nonbinary Grammatical Gender (with Gabriella Licata)
95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America [LSA]
APA: Licata, G. & Papadopoulos, B. (2021, Jan. 9). Refuting language academies' rejections of nonbinary grammatical gender [Conference session]. 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Held virtually.
MLA: Licata, Gabriella, and Ben Papadopoulos. "Refuting Language Academies' Rejections of Nonbinary Grammatical Gender." 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 9 Jan. 2021, Held virtually. Conference Presentation.
Latinx as the Decolonization of Spanish
49th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2020, Sept. 25). Latinx as the decolonization of Spanish [Conference session]. 49th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest, Held virtually.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "Latinx as the Decolonization of Spanish." 49th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest, 25 Sept. 2020, Held virtually. Conference Presentation.

Morphological Gender Innovations in Spanish of Nonbinary Speakers
Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2019
APA: Papadopoulos, B. (2019, Oct. 25). Morphological gender innovations in Spanish of nonbinary speakers [Conference session]. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2019, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, United States.
MLA: Papadopoulos, Ben. "Morphological Gender Innovations in Spanish of Nonbinary Speakers." Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2019, 25 Oct. 2020, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX. Conference Presentation.

How to Write an Abstract in (Socio)linguistics
Gender in Language Project, University of California, Berkeley

How to Do Research: A Guide for Berkeley Undergraduates, Written by a Former Berkeley Undergraduate
Amanecer Working Group, University of California, Berkeley

Changing Your Name Records at UC Berkeley

Nonbinary Gender in Spanish